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TJ41 – Video Advertising and Blogging Techniques To Get More Traffic From You Tube – Gideon Shalwick

Gideon Shalwick Header


Creation and consumption of video content is at an all time high. Over 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, and 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on the site according to YouTube—that’s almost an hour for every person on Earth. There is no doubt that YouTube is a source of entertainment for a huge number of people, but is it really effective in driving serious business? Gideon Shalwick says it is.  

Gideon has been building a business on YouTube for more than 5 years. He’s grown a large subscriber base in the niche of magic and marketing (amongst others), and has learned how to leverage that audience to drive traffic away from YouTube to an asset he controls. Listen in and learn how to use YouTube advertising and content to get more traffic to your own website.


  • Basic YouTube Blogging Tips
  • YouTube as a Marketing Platform
  • How to Increase Views and Subscriptions in YouTube
  • What Gideon Learned from YouTube Certification
  • How To Increase Channel Popularity
  • Effective YouTube Advertising


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Hi there listener! I am James Reynolds, this is Traffic Jam and you are tuned in to episode 41 of the podcast show that teaches you how to get more traffic and build a profitable audience online. We are going to learn how to become a more profitable on the internet today using video marketing, everything from video blogging to video advertising and a whole lot more in between that’s coming all in our feature interview coming up first but don’t go anywhere after that because we will have our regular segments, this week’s news in traffic, the one minute traffic tip, and then the traffic jam, a musical jam chosen by our guest today to play out the show.

Our special guest today is Gideon Shalwick whom I had a first run in with about 3 years ago I think in a conference in Australia where funnily enough I won a copy of his rapid video blogging online course. I very much enjoyed the course when I went through it and I have been keeping a watchful eye on Gideon ever since and he’s got interesting things happening both now and in the works for the future which I thought would be very interesting to share with you today so here we go with that interview, we’ll be talking about video blogging, we’ll be talking about YouTube video advertising and a whole lot more in between; it is a really open and honest discussion that I think you are really going to enjoy so welcome to Traffic Jam, Gideon Shalwick.

James: So this is Traffic Jam Episode #41 and joining me right there is Gideon Shalwick. Gideon, welcome!

Gideon: Hey James! Thanks for having me.

James: This is going to be a blast! You of course teach a course to video marketing you call Rapid Video Blogging where you leverage the audience on YouTube and then drive those users from YouTube to your own site. YouTube as you all know is a pretty large audience so I think it is going to be pretty interesting for the Traffic Jam audience with business to learn how to reach more of that audience and get them to their own site and some other relevant place online so with your permission Gideon let’s talk a little bit about today on how to increase audience share on YouTube and then how to drive on that audience share to your own site. Sounds good?

Gideon: Sounds good! I am ready.

James: Awesome! Cool! So you’ve got a pretty popular channel yourself I think some of your videos have an excess of half a million views so I guess you have worked out a thing or two about getting more views on YouTube, what tips can you share?

Gideon: Yeah, sure. There are nice numbers within the niche of operating in that. When you look at the bigger scope of the whole of YouTube, those numbers are actually really small. The biggest YouTube views is pretty high, I think there are 23 million subscribers in this channel so the numbers are just phenomenal, those are the mainstream channel, these are the channels and videos that really get the mainstream viewers. I think my channel’s a little bit more niche – just focusing on video marketing for business and so it’s a much smaller pond but I mean within the pond it’s nice to have those views.

James: Well, just try creating videos on SEO then you’ll find how hard it is to gain traction.

Gideon: Yes, that’s a really interesting point James because I have been doing this, specifically teaching people how to do video marketing, since 2010, that’s when I launched Reputable Blogging and at that time I was the only one doing it on YouTube. A lot of people were doing it, but I was the only one teaching it, and back then I noticed there definitely was a lag for businesses in particular and some categories or niches to get on to YouTube. Back then, there were a lot of industries not on YouTube yet and my prediction back then was that it’s just a matter of time for all these other businesses, especially the business community to get on there. And that’s exactly what’s happening is really exciting. Over the last few years, I’ve definitely seen a much bigger increase in businesses in YouTube and it is very evident now when you look at people teaching other people about video marketing on YouTube and obviously I am not the only one anymore, there are people doing even much better than I am but I mean it is encouraging to see because it means that finally the business community has woken up to this idea of using YouTube to drive tons of attention and directing that attention to your own web assets.

James: So what do you think brought about the change? Did YouTube just become a more serious platform or do you think it’s just the businesses having seen the possibilities with video marketing until recent times?

Gideon: You know, I think with any new technology you have a product opt in life cycle where you get your early adopters, they jump on it or the innovators, they jump on it first, then the early adopters, and then normally there is a bit of a gap, and I think what has happened with the business community is that in general a business, they want to see from their peers strategies that are working and when they see that their peers are using these strategies. And I think there was a time where everybody at the business community was looking at YouTube and thinking, hey, this is just for teenagers or cowboys or whatever, this is not for us. And I think what happened was that back then, we saw that the innovators and the early adopters where getting started on YouTube and most of them were young ones. They were tech savvy, good with video, and don’t mind being on the video and so they jump on board and got there first. But I think of the time now the chasm has gone big enough group of people to show that you can have success for your business on YouTube to have gone to so to speak the main stream of business which is there which is exciting. I think we’re really just at the beginning for business for mainstream when it comes to YouTube marketing.

James: Yeah, good. You of course have shown some success with this, you’ve built a reputable channel with a good following. What have been some of the best strategies for growing your audience and growing your own channel?

Gideon: Well, yeah, things have changed over the years. Things that changed back when I was getting started doesn’t work today anymore and even certain features in YouTube doesn’t exist anymore. For example, being able to leave video replies, you can’t do that anymore, and that used to be a fantastic strategy for SEO and for getting traffic back to your channel as well. So things have changed, but it has changed in our favor. A few years back, it was really easy to gain the system and a lot of people gained the system unfortunately and what happened was when you do a search on YouTube and it comes up with a bunch of really crappy results, unrelated stuff and because people gained the system. They buy views or they buy the comments or whatever it is and move up in the rankings. Those things don’t work anymore. Anything that you can gain – views, likes, comments, shares – anything that you can gain on YouTube does not really count towards ranking your videos too much on YouTube. And so the key words today, and I think this ought to have been the key words from the beginning because this is what I have been teaching all these years as well, is that it all comes back to great content –great content that captivates your audience, and gets them absorbing and watching your content and spreading it for you. That’s really the backbone and you get that wrong and really there is not much point in anything else. I have just gone through the YouTube certification program, I passed the exams – it was quite a grueling exam, I hadn’t expected it to be so difficult especially with me being in the industry for so long.

James: Wow! So what do you have to do for a YouTube certification? I’m interested. Do you just have to watch monkeys falling out of trees or?

Gideon: There’s a course. There is a whole course that you go through and then you’ll have to set a live exam. You get 2 hours to finish the exam and if you pass you become certified and you are allowed to use a certification badge on your website and you can do this for personal and also for business – there are different requirements but basically that is it. I am not sure if anybody can do it but I am anybody and I did it so it’s open to others as well. It’s just a nice little badge that you can put on your name to give you some credibility. But anyway, what I learned from that, and this is straight from horse’s mouth and it makes so much sense is that the things that YouTube are looking at right now when it comes to ranking and getting traffic as a result is that YouTube looks at two things. They look at what’s known as watch time and also session time. Those two things. Now watch time, it is a little bit unclear how they define it because I think it’s tied in with the algorithm so they don’t want to be as clear as they can be for obvious reasons but watch time is basically how engaged people are when they watch your video and how long they watch your video for. The percentage, the minutes, it all works together to work out the watch time for when people watch your video. Now that is important all in itself, but what has even more weight in from my understanding and going through this course is decision time which is how much longer someone stays in YouTube as a result of watching your video. So in other words, if someone watches your video and at the end of your video you have that little annotation that links back to another one of your videos, they click on that and they watch it, that increases decision time which then increases the original video’s chance of getting ranked for the keyword that you’re trying to optimize for. So that is pretty cool and so these are all the cool things that you can do – instead of just linking with an annotation to one of your videos, you can link to a playlist at the end of your videos, which means, people don’t just watch one of your videos. If you link to a playlist, they’ll probably watch more than one video as a result of that. So there are lots of little things that you can do like that to increase watch time and decision time but once again that comes right back down to the backbone of all of these which is great content. Without a great well- thought out content, it is very difficult to get watch time and decision time.

James: Yes, they are really moving the way that Google search has moved I guess. They look at less table factors like keyword placement or even links to a piece of content online. They are looking far more at engagement level which in the SEO world would be the time on the page and then they are looking at almost like time on site. Where else do they go in that website as a result of watching that or looking at that first piece of content they see. So it all kind of makes sense with Google behind this so I guess they would follow the same thought pattern as they do for Google search in to YouTube.

Gideon: Yeah and it just makes logical sense, so there’s two videos and both are trying to rank for the same keyword phrase. If one of the videos are very engaging and the other one is not, of course YouTube would want to rank that engaging one because it is going to create a much better customer experience and keep people coming back, and of course, ultimately, the more people who come back and watch videos and spend time on YouTube, the more money they can make from advertising so it makes so much sense. I think if you just stick to just playing the game of YouTube or Google, you’ll be alright. A lot of people have tried funny things, have tried little tricks, for me basically, just to get it out, whenever there is some kind of suggestion that you’re trying to in the system, stay away from it, when in doubt, leave it out. That’s my philosophy when it comes to YouTube and Google property. Play their game, give them what they want and you’ll be rewarded back as a result.

James: Absolutely! So how worried do we have to be now Gideon about keyword choice? I mean in SEO again, it is not so much as a concern now as long as you title your content with a relevant title that may perhaps include a key phrase that you want to appear in the results for. Is YouTube the same now? Do you need to worry too much about doing keyword research to determine how your video should be titled or what the description should say? Does any of that stuff matter anymore?

Gideon: I think it is still important but once again as you write your titles and your description and your tags, think in terms of the user first, the viewer and then SEO second. So write your headlines for write your titles for human beings and your description for human beings; don’t write it for machines or for the algorithms. And same goes for your tags. It’s actually quite interesting! For the tags, from what I understand when I studied with this course, is that you get rewarded better for tags that are more relevant and descriptive of your actual content than trying to grab tags and keywords that are not as relevant. They have this example which is really interesting about a parody of Gangnam style. So they showed to examples, one had parody Gangnam style as a keyword phrase and the other one just had Gangnam style. And you’d think that having the Gangnam style keyword phrase would help you get seen with the Gangnam style video but what they were saying was that’s apparently not a good thing to do because you are deceiving the viewer in a way because they are thinking they are getting Gangnam style but they end up getting a parody. So that was a very interesting thing as well to look at so when you look at your tags, certainly make them accurate and descriptive of your actual content as opposed to just trying to rank for a whole bunch of related keywords that does not really describe your actual content and this plays as a roll over time as well as your video grows older. To me there’s a few key things. There’s getting the content right, that is number one. And that is really a function of a much bigger picture which is who you are trying to target, what problems they have and how you can solve it. That’ really where the content is driven from. But apart from that, this one big strategy, it’s like the A20, your sweet spot or that kind of thing that highly leveraged strategy that you can follow, and that is known as collaborations on YouTube.

James: Yeah, it’s kind of referral type of traffic, is that how you’d describe it?

Gideon: Yeah, so basically where you team up with another YouTuber and they happen to have a big audience and a nice list of subscribers and they share their audience with you. We did this back in 2010 in the magic niche, I teamed up with a magician here in Brisbane, Australia and we did a search for all the magic channels, we started from 0 and we found all these Magic channels in YouTube back then. There was this guy called Eric he had about 30,000 subscribers on his channel and we had 0 or 10 but certainly very insignificant.

James: That relationship worked very nicely in your favor right?

Gideon: It really did, so what happened was we made friends with them, we did an interview with them, and then he recorded videos as well and he posted it on his channel and had an annotation linking back to our channel, so instantly, we had access to his 30,000 subscribers just like that, and I don’t know any better strategy than that for driving views and driving subscribers. It really is amazing. Given that you have a reason for people to come visit your channel which is your great content. So that’s huge – finding other players in your market and then teaming up with them and one strategy, instead of going for the big players, you start off with people that are your peers, you start off with people who are similar sized to you in the same industry and you share your audience. You introduce them to your audience and then they introduce you to your audience and then just keep on doing that over and over until you get sick of getting subscribers.

James: Well this is kind of like the video version of what we are doing here on audio right? I am interviewing you. Hopefully, the Traffic Jam listeners will like that topics that you talk about and then I am sure we are going to mention somewhere to go and find you later on Gideon so I am sure some of the Traffic Jam audience will bleed over to you so it is a great strategy, and it really benefits every party involved, right? You’ve got some nice content to talk about, I’ve got some great content to produce and everyone’s a winner really.

Gideon: Oh, yeah. It is a strategy that is proven over and over in many different industries. The music industry is a really, really good example. I am trying to think of the guy’s name – Guetta?

James: David Guetta, the DJ, is that it? Well the judgment will be out on whether that is considered as music but I will let you off on that one.

Gideon: Okay, I like his music. The reason I like it is because it is I like the beat. For productivity I listen to vocal trance so it is kind of like in the same genre so it really helps me focus and get stuff done but that’s a good example. I am not sure where he started from but it almost seemed like he came out of nowhere. Sure, perhaps he was popular in the trance world but if I look at the difference between him and say one of those Dutch guys, Yurin but the difference is that David teamed up with mainstream performers and as a result got access to the mainstream, which is huge.

James: Yep, all of his stuff was early collaboration so it is a very good point you’re making, looking at what other people are doing in other industries and adopting some of the other industries in your own market can be great stuff. If you look at that same scenario and bring it to the marketing world is very useful indeed. Let’s talk about some other stuff which I know you’ve got going on right now. What about YouTube advertising? If you start experiment anything along the lines of the YouTube ad formats or any of the other advertising formats available on YouTube?

Gideon: Yes, certainly. I think that is certainly a space to watch, it is quite a new thing it is almost like the repeat of Google adwords so we are almost going back in time so what we’re seeing there is a lot of really cheap views, very cheap traffic that’s to be had there, if you know how to get it. I have been playing around with it and at the start I must admit I was a little overwhelmed and did not know what to do but as I started digging in further I realized that it is really simple. It is simpler to me than getting traffic in Adwords for example so I had been doing some test there and it is looking very promising, let’s look at it that way, so I think it is a space to want to watch. Some of the bigger companies and the bigger brands jumped on it but I am not quite sure if they get it. I am not sure if a lot of people actually get it. They don’t understand how to leverage all this traffic and all these views and using preview ads to actually drive traffic. That’s the whole point of it right? But it is certainly a space to watch, that’s for sure.

James: Yeah, some of the mistakes I see people make as a relative lay person will in terms of video marketing are doing these preview ads but they are actually failing to get people to actually do anything, there is no call to action anywhere in the video. They are paying for the impression and the view which is fine for branding but hey why don’t you try to get people to do something as a result of seeing the video?

Gideon: Exactly! And I think you’ve hit the melon in the head that’s clearly one massive problem. As the video ads itself. Some of them are very pretty.

James: Far prettier than I would probably be able to make.

Gideon: Right! And they spend thousands of dollars with these ads, then the question is do they get clicks back to their website? And I think in a lot of cases, the answer is no so saying this, there is a lot to be learned from these companies to drive traffic to the site. That is one thing, and the other thing that I see is that the tricky thing on YouTube to get right is get targeting. How often do you watch a video in YouTube and then there is an ad in front of it, totally unrelated to the content of the video? And you sort of think, where the heck did this ad come from? It does not speak to me at all, it is totally irrelevant. And so I think what is happening is that people businesses don’t really know how to target properly on YouTube. And when you think about it, it is getting close Facebook in terms of how accurate or how granular you can target things on YouTube. You can target a specific video on YouTube and only show your ad for viewers on that video or you could target a group of videos. You can say, only for these videos I want to run an ad on and similarly you can do the channels say for example, last week I had a chat with my brother last night, he is a Katy Perry fan and he watched that Katy Perry happy birthday song and part of our conversation was I told him about a trivia and I said to him if you say you were selling Katy Perry t-shirts and you wanted to access all the Katy Perry fans, all you had to do was create a little video ad that talks about something like Hey Katy Perry fans I know you love Katy Perry but guess what, you’ll love my t-shirt even more or something like that and only advertise on Katy Perry’s channels so all of a sudden you’ve got a very target audience, you’ve got an extremely well-crafted video ad that speaks to that audience and as a result of that your view rate goes up and means that there are more people who actually watch your video and then if you have a good video it can actually increase your click through rate so people actually click on it and visit your website.

James: And I guess you actually spin off of that in the same way AdWords does itself that your cost per click will also go down as a result of those metrics going up, right?

Gideon: Oh, tremendously! We’ve had some crazy improvements. We had run a split test recently where all we did we just changed the video. All the targeting was the same, these two ads ran in parallel. Everything was the same except for the video. And we managed to get a three times improvement so it was at 300% improvement on a third of the cost for the clicks. Or conversely, we got three times as many clicks for the same amount of money and all we did was change the video so that was very interesting and that shows you can optimize a lot once you get to play around it a little bit.

James: Nice! Very good and what types of videos are you getting most success with when it comes to video ads because I am sure there are a few listeners out there who have got their interest peaked by it right now but they are probably thinking, why am I going to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in a video production company and all that pretty stuff, how can you do this in more kind of quick and dirty and more economical easy way this video is made?

Gideon: I guess it’s a few principles. You can figure it out yourself as well a bit. When you look at the structure of these ads it should be the trivial ones or the ones that you see at the front of the video are the ones that are skippable. You get five seconds basically, you get five seconds before your time is up, and you know, if you have not grabbed their attention within five seconds, you’ve lost that viewer. I’ve seen so many ads, you are ten seconds in, and then you go, what the hell is this about? Nothing has happened yet, and what are they thinking? They obviously are not thinking they’re not thinking it through properly or they just don’t care about throwing money down the drain. So you’ve got give seconds to grab their interests so the first five seconds is the most important. The other key thing is that if you have not tried preview yet, and this is pretty cool, and this is like adwords is that you only pay for a view if people watch 30 seconds or more of your video or if your video is the whole 30 seconds of your video then obviously so that is kind of interesting. So you can use that information to craft a pretty clear little video and obviously you want to get people back to your site. So you should get on early to drive people to your site and that is very, very important.

James: And does that make that traffic free if you can get a call to action in after 15 seconds and people don’t watch the video, is that essentially free traffic?

Gideon: Well, I think so but I probably have not run enough tests to confirm it, maybe you have James or maybe some friends. I know there are some people teaching that you can get free clicks like that but it’s a little bit difficult to measure because I think there are a few interesting things happening in YouTube which makes it a little bit more difficult to see what is going on but it does make sense you know that if people are clicking on your ad before that 30 seconds are up, then perhaps that click is free. Who knows? It would seem to make sense. But then again, sometimes, people click on your ad and if they come back then you’d still pay for that view. Or sometimes people just notice an ad and they just let us run without actually viewing it so you pay for that view even though they are not really watching it, so that’s one of the variables there I think but perhaps those are free. I guess I’ve got to do a bit more testing on that.

James: Well let’s get a bit more research, I’ll put it on my to do list to find out what exactly is there because it seems this is one of those hacky things that could change history so we’ll go check that out. Anyway, I want to try and bring things almost to a close Gideon. Perhaps I think I’d like to close a loop on a question we asked early on, and that is talking about the call to action at the end of your own piece of the video content and you talked a little bit about increasing the engagement in your videos and getting people to watch more videos is now a good thing in YouTube, has your strategy changed now in terms of what you ask people to do at the end of the piece of the video content?

Gideon: Yes, certainly. When I was doing this in the beginning, the main emphasis was to get people off YouTube and on to my life and the way that it has changed now is that I try to get people to stay on YouTube a bit longer so I have sort of a mixed strategy now where sometimes I ask people to go watch another video or subscribe to my channel and my YouTube channel and in keeping traffic there, and I know some people might cringe to hear that on some online business people but the thought behind that is that you are building an authority channel and as a result of that dramatically increase your chances of ranking and getting a lot of reviews, it’s not just ranking for people when do a search, it’s also appearing on the watched page, appearing on the suggested videos, related videos – the whole bunch of places where you appear aside from the search so that is really important nowadays to make sure you have some emphasis on that but then I can’t say I’ve done it 50% of the time but I will probably recommend maybe 50% of the times you drop people back to your site so one video you’d ask them to subscribe or ask another video, the next video you take them straight to your site or you do both in one video. In general in direct marketing approach or just simple psychology, when you give people too many options then take too many action so normally I try to give people just one option and normally I give people the best result from it but it is up to you, mix and match it, taste and see what gives you the best result.

James: Fantastic! Well great advice Gideon, let’s wrap things there. We’ve got a fair amount with 30 minutes or so of talking. I know you’ve got a few things in the pipeline and some bits you are working on right now, is there anything you’d like to mention to Traffic Jam listeners right now?

Gideon: I guess there is a couple of businesses that I have just started up but first of all, if people want to follow what I am doing, they can just go to my blog or my channel, gideonshalwick.com or if you go to YouTube and look for Gideon Shalwick on YouTube you’ll find it, and what I do there is I basically report on my experiments that I am on. So for example I did the experiment with Jay-jay the magician, we took that channel from 0 he is now sitting on close to 200,000 subscribers, I think something like 24 million views on the channel, that was an experiment that I ran and so from those experiments I share what I have been much more involved in the startup space, still in the video arena but about two years ago I started up a business called Splashio and that business focuses on little video clips and enhance your own video content so things like logos, logo animations, outros with automatic call to actions and that sort of stuff you can get at Splashio.com. There is also a report on there that is 20 pages long and that talks about how to create compelling content, it gives you a formula for creating really compelling content so you can grab that for free at splashio.com and very, very recent, like in the fast few months, we’ve been working on this, we have not released this yet, we are about to release it, so by the time you are listening to this podcast, you’ll probably see it. It’s a new business where we focus on helping people in the video advertising space to give much better results. That business is called veeroll.com, it’s almost like viral but just veeroll you know, just a play on words there. There are also free stuff you can get on there,

James: Love it! Fantastic! Gideon thanks for your time and expertise, the links that Gideon’s mentioned in today’s show, gideonshalwick.com, splashio.com and veeroll.com will of course be mentioned there along with Gideon’s social media profile and anything else we’ve mentioned in today’s show so I urge you listeners to go check those out. Gideon just to wrap things up, thanks again for your time, I personally got a lot out of it, I am sure the traffic jam listeners have too so thank you!

Gideon: You are very welcome!

This Week’s News in Traffic

Okay, so a pretty quiet news this week, just two stories to share with you. The first one is from Facebook who have improved their embedded posts both with a new design and also with a faster load time. Posts that include media content such as photos and videos usually get far more engagement on Facebook. As a result, Facebook have updated their embedded posts to display images and videos above the post text and other content. According to Facebook the new embedded post now load up to twice as fast as before. Improved performance make it easier to embed multiple Facebook posts in your story without having to worry about delays. If you are a regular Facebook post embedder, I don’t know if that’s a real term or I just made it up, Facebook have made it a little easier for you by saving the dimensions in the embed plug in when you go back to embed a future post so you don’t have to go back and reconfigure the size if you are regularly posting the same size to your blog for instance. So just a small update from Facebook. If you are using a lot of social content and embedding posts in to your blog posts then this might be a helpful update for you.

The second story is a social media story attached to Snickers and it is very topical because right around World Cup time and we are still amidst, at least at the time of recording, in the FIFA World Cup and if you have been following the world cup you’d be very familiar I am sure with the incident involving Luis Suarez who actually bit in to the shoulder of an opposing player creating a huge amount of uproar and conversation across social media. Now, Snickers, they put out some real time content right around the incident and they put out a tweet, I will actually read it out to you, it says, hey, @luis16suarez next time you’re hungry just grab a Snickers #worldcup #luissuarez #eatSnickers. They also at the same time put out a Facebook post and here are the interesting statistics: The tweet got a total of 39,000 retweets and 17,000 favorites whereas the Facebook post which was pretty similar, it says next time you’re hungry grab a Sneakers – World Cup. That fell completely and utterly flat with only 5,000 likes, shares and comments so far more amplification happened because of the tweet so a lot of people are using this data to say that Facebook news feed content is totally dead, organic ratio has just totally fallen flat. I don’t think that is quite the case, I think Twitter is more of a real time platform but certainly an interesting statistic, as I said, 39,000 retweets, 17,000 favorites versus just 5,000 likes on Facebook. Anyway to get more on that story and a nice interesting graphic of Luis Suarez biting his opponent, you can check out the episode page of TrafficJamCast 41.

If you are a seasoned listener to Traffic Jam or you are a new listener and enjoying what you have learned so far I would appreciate it if you left a review for the show and to find the review pages you go to TrafficJamCast.com/iTunes for iTunes and TrafficJamCast.com/Stitcher for Stitcher and when you’re there you’ll see a review and a rating option and also the ability to add a comment so please go ahead and do that, it helps us get the show out to more people and it gives you a bit of a chance for some exposure to the Traffic Jam audience so when you’re there if you are sneaky enough to add your website address or a little bit about your business, I’ll include that in a future show episode so as I said the places to go to leave a review, TrafficJamCast.com/iTunes for iTunes and TrafficJamCast.com/Stitcher for Stitcher.

The One Minute Traffic Tip

If you want to get more organic traffic when people share your content via their social media channel, then you need to put a lot of attention in to the headline for your post and also the image. If you have seen sites like Buzz Feed that continuously pop up in your Facebook feed, you’ll know that they put a huge amount of time in to crafting a reeling, enticing and curiosity-driven lines along with eye-catching images that entice you to click so if you want to get more traffic yourself from Facebook and other social channels then you need to do the same. So a few quick tips, use a curiosity driven title that is below 90 characters so that it shows in full in the Facebook news feed. And then your image in your post should also be in the same format it will fit nicely within the new format within Facebook so that by the 270×245 format. That means when people share your content from your site across to Facebook you’ll have a very appealing, enticing headline and image that will encourage people to click through to your website.

A big thank you for listening in to episode 41 of Traffic Jam, I really do appreciate the time that you’ve taken out of your day to listen in and I sincerely hope you get a lot of value out of it and it is helping you grow your business online because that is the aim of the show. We’ll be doing it all again where we’ll be digging deep in to another area of traffic to help you grow your presence online and to make sure you don’t miss out on that episode or any future episodes remember to subscribe via iTunes and Stitcher radio and for direct links to all Traffic Jam episodes, go to TrafficJamCast.com where you can join the discussion on this episode and get links to all of the resources mentioned in today’s show. Also head on over to Veravo.com for more traffic tips and training and to learn how I can help you get more traffic via the search engines.

We end this week’s show with a track chosen by our guest today, Gideon Shalwick. It is a 1991 track from the band Red Hot Chilli Peppers and the title is called Under the Bridge. We’ll play out and I will see you back here next week with another show.





  • Ensure you have an appealing image and headline that will entice viewers to click on your content that is shared to Facebook


  • Red Hot Chili Peppers – Under the Bridge

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TJ 41 Gideon Shalwick

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