For the marketer in need of a little light relief, our Traffic Toon Jokes have covered all things marketing: from email and blogs, to content marketing and mobile marketing. Here are our favourite of the Traffic Toon marketing jokes.
Before the age of the internet, a popular way of advertising was to stick posters around town on lampposts and telegraph poles. While content marketing now follows the same principles, it has the advantage that shares, follows, comments and likes aren’t limited to a handful of passers-by. A vast audience can be reached in moments and shared globally, plus there’s no risk of unwanted responses from the canine kind!
Have you ever received a bombshell via email? In a 2013 interview with Fortune, the well-known founder of Men’s Wearhouse George Zimmer revealed that he had been fired as the company’s CEO via email. Whilst this revelation sent shockwaves around America and most of us thought it had crossed a line, it just goes to show how central electronic contact has become at the expense of face-to-face or voice-to-voice communication.
Mobile advertising used to mean a red-faced young guy weighed down by an enormous sandwich board pounding a few local streets. Now, with the 7 billion mobile phones in the world significantly outnumbering tvs and pcs, advertising sent directly to somebody’s phone is both far reaching and more specifically targeted at potential consumers.
A conversion rate measures the number of visitors to a website who go on to perform the desired action, be it making a purchase, signing up for email, etc. The higher the conversion rate, the more successful the campaign. Some jobs are harder than others, however!
Nearly all of us will have suffered the irritation of our name already having been taken when it’s come to signing up for a new social media, email or other account. With our children now being born into a digital world, the notoriously difficult task of naming a child just got a little bit harder! Perhaps parents now need to consider how their chosen name may work for email addresses and social media.
Postal services around the world are in trouble and ‘snail mail’ is being used less and less. In early 2014,according to the NY Times, the US Postal Service reported that it had lost money in 19 of the last 21 quarters. But who, even them, can deny the ease and convenience of email?
Blogging continues to rise in popularity every year, with a large proportion thought to be personal. Young people between 21 and 35 are thought to be the most likely to share some aspect of their life through a blog. Sometimes it’s easy for bloggers to forget though, that not everybody who matters is reading them!
Our Traffic Toons endeavour to cover the ever-changing face of marketing. Be sure to check here for more Traffic Toon marketing jokes as we delve further for a light-hearted look into the world of the marketer.