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TJ48 – How to Guest Blog Effectively Using the Expanded Guest Post Formula ~ Bryan Harris

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  Getting your content in front of other people’s audiences by guest blogging is a killer strategy without doubt.  Appear on the right blog and you’ll get more visibility and the potential for more targeted traffic and leads. But the problem is, most people don’t know how to guest blog effectively. The traditional guest blog post (that most people […]

TJ47 – Website Launch Strategy: How To Kick Start Your New or Existing Blog with Corbett Barr

Corbett Barr Header

  Every day 2 million blog posts are written (enough to fill Time Magazine for 770 years). Thousands of blogs are launched every day. The internet is awash with blogs, but very few of those blogs are blogs that matter. Truth is most bloggers launch to a deathly silence. No traffic, no engagement and no impact. […]

TJ46 – Survey Funnels: The Simple Formula That’s Generated 2.8 Million Leads and 175,000 Customers For Ryan Levesque

Ryan Levesque Header

  Businesses all about us, possibly yours too, are vying for the attention of their prospects by shouting as loud as they can. Each business pushing the freeline, out doing one another with better and better offers. There’s a lot of noise on the internet and it’s hard to stand-out and be heard. So what’s the answer? STOP shouting and […]

TJ45 – SEO Link Building: 3 Untapped Backlink Strategies and the Backlinko Skyscraper Technique ~ Brian Dean

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So here’s the rub. When it comes to search engine optimization backlinks do still work. But, whether they work for you to increase your ranking, or against you to send your site in to search engine abyss depends on your ability to acquire high value backlinks. In the modern day of SEO link building is tough. […]

TJ44 – Search and Social Fusion: How WordStream Generate 650,000 Visits Per Month Using Paid and Earned Media ~ Larry Kim

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Generating consistently profitable traffic is hard work. The hours spent developing content, building distribution relationships, doing outreach and establishing a genuine audience online can be countless before you begin to see a return on your investment. What if it didn’t have to be so difficult? What if you could market only to those people looking for what you […]

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