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TJ72 – Micro Content Marketing: The Quick and Easy Content Creation Technique That Delivers Your Message Fast ~ Jake Burkett

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  A study done by Microsoft has concluded that humans now have shorter attention spans than goldfish. As marketers, we need to find the balance between providing substantial information that can move our audience to action, and instant comprehension within an all too small 8-second window. The solution to that is micro content marketing. But […]

TJ71 – Co-Authored Content: 40,000 Words That Established A Personal Brand ~ Aaron Agius

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  Conventional thinking would dictate that you should get full credit for a 40,000 word blog post when you wrote it. You write, you get the reward. This was not (entirely) the case for Aaron Agius however when he wrote tens of thousands of words for QuickSprout.com. His name didn’t appear as the author, and […]

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